Sunday, August 10, 2008

Growing Older

Rating: NSS
Dave Barry
says that there comes a time when you should stop expecting people to make a big deal over your birthday, and that time is 11. I stopped a long time ago, but I think I'm subconciously still hoping. I guess I've always been a little neurotic about my birthday--I think it's a birth order thing. (That and the fact that my grandparents always left town about the time of my birthday every year when I was younger.)

I turned 30 with much kicking and screaming, figuratively, that is. I don't like getting older, thank you society, so being past 30 is not a treat for me. They say it's better than the alternative, but I don't know. I liked the book The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I just can't imagine it being made into a movie.

I've given up cake anyway; it's not on my diet--that isn't to say that I won't use my free Coldstone coupon, let's not get ridiculous. I just don't expect certain siblings to call, that's all. Oh well--we can't always get what we want; otherwise I would have my Darth Tater by now. . .

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