Rating: NSS
What was in the water on Friday? What a crazy day! It started with a hunt for a substitute teacher. After getting the 11th “no”, we begged, stole, and borrowed a teacher from the preschool. (If you want to be added to our sub list, just give me a call, I’ll put you on it!)
The 2nd graders were going on a field trip and one forgot his lunch, so I kindly begged the lunch lady to make a sack lunch for me. The minute I delivered it, I was informed (sorry for the passive again, Mrs. Mills) that another kid forgot his lunch, so I spent a couple more hours off and on trying to rectify that.
I am exasperated with my computer. It keeps looking for some sort of network connection that doesn’t exactly exist, so it’ll do vexing things like telling me it has an error reading from the file, it’s sorry, it must close. Only it won’t do that at convenient points; it will do it only when I’m in a hurry and almost done making changes to the test, of which I hadn’t clicked save yet; consequently, it makes me start all over. I think it just likes to see me cry. Or maybe it’s offended by my “I have issues” background and thinks it’s a personal affront to its computing abilities.
To top off the day, the 4th grade teacher calls from 4th grade camp telling me a kid has a snake bite (don’t worry, he’s okay, it wasn’t a poisonous snake), and the 1st grade teacher calls from the zoo saying that they’re all okay. They were locked down in one of the buildings for a while because the zoo had a bomb threat. The teacher had wanted to inform me that everything was copasetic in case a panicked parent phoned. Thanks.
Oh! I won’t even mention the other incident. Let’s just suffice it to say, please don’t take your cell phone in the bathroom with you!
There was a funny one that happened, however. Apparently kindergarteners tend to be very proud of their boo-boos. One little girl had scraped her elbow on the cement and was wearing her three band-aids very proudly. Two of the bandages had blue squares and she kept her sleeve rolled up and her elbow prominently sticking out for all to see. It was very funny in a cute, 5-year-old sort of way.
All I can say is what a day!
What was in the water on Friday? What a crazy day! It started with a hunt for a substitute teacher. After getting the 11th “no”, we begged, stole, and borrowed a teacher from the preschool. (If you want to be added to our sub list, just give me a call, I’ll put you on it!)
The 2nd graders were going on a field trip and one forgot his lunch, so I kindly begged the lunch lady to make a sack lunch for me. The minute I delivered it, I was informed (sorry for the passive again, Mrs. Mills) that another kid forgot his lunch, so I spent a couple more hours off and on trying to rectify that.
I am exasperated with my computer. It keeps looking for some sort of network connection that doesn’t exactly exist, so it’ll do vexing things like telling me it has an error reading from the file, it’s sorry, it must close. Only it won’t do that at convenient points; it will do it only when I’m in a hurry and almost done making changes to the test, of which I hadn’t clicked save yet; consequently, it makes me start all over. I think it just likes to see me cry. Or maybe it’s offended by my “I have issues” background and thinks it’s a personal affront to its computing abilities.
To top off the day, the 4th grade teacher calls from 4th grade camp telling me a kid has a snake bite (don’t worry, he’s okay, it wasn’t a poisonous snake), and the 1st grade teacher calls from the zoo saying that they’re all okay. They were locked down in one of the buildings for a while because the zoo had a bomb threat. The teacher had wanted to inform me that everything was copasetic in case a panicked parent phoned. Thanks.
Oh! I won’t even mention the other incident. Let’s just suffice it to say, please don’t take your cell phone in the bathroom with you!
There was a funny one that happened, however. Apparently kindergarteners tend to be very proud of their boo-boos. One little girl had scraped her elbow on the cement and was wearing her three band-aids very proudly. Two of the bandages had blue squares and she kept her sleeve rolled up and her elbow prominently sticking out for all to see. It was very funny in a cute, 5-year-old sort of way.
All I can say is what a day!
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