I know that the McCain campaign got an immense boost with his announcement of running mate. I've heard it said that people like her better than they like him. Don't get me wrong: I think Sarah Palin was a good option, but I like John McCain too.
Unless something MAJOR happens, I plan on voting for McCain. I was pretty sure, even during the primaries that I was voting for McCain. Why? Well, It goes back to the event I attended. Presidential election years always get one thinking about presidents. I attended this event at which John McCain spoke. I knew at the outset that he did not always toe the party line; he is a bit of a maverick (yes, that word's being tossed about frequently nowadays), but I listened to what he had to say. I don't remember word-for-word exactly all he said, but I did walk away thinking that what he had said was good and that he would make a good president.
Oh, yes, what was this event at which I saw and heard John McCain? The Minnesota State Fair, September 2004--when he was stumping for Bush.
Here are some more pictures of McCain, MN governor Tim Pawlenty, and the mayor of Garage Logic, Joe Soucheray.

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