Rating: MS [for sarcasm]
Now they're (at least the
Miami Herald) is trying to blame President Bush for Gloucester--in a round-about manner. The article asserts that the decline of teen sexual activity during the 1990s levelled off between 2001 and 2007, and teen pregnancy rates rose 3% between 2005-2006. This, incidentally coincided with the implementation of the Bush administration's abstinence-only policy for groups receiving federal funding. Yeah, and drowning deaths go up as the rate of ice cream consumption goes up--anyone can make any statistical correlation they see fit.
According to the abstinence-only policy, ". . .any groups or states receiving federal funds for pregnancy prevention not discuss contraception and must teach that sex outside marriage will lead to harmful psychological and physical effects. In other words, they cannot talk about sex or help children who do have sex to protect themselves. They can only tell them to say no." Obviously, it is not acceptable to teach teens to NOT have sex. We know they're going to, so let's help make sure they're safe. I guess we should eliminate all "Say No to Drugs" campaigns on the same reasoning. Let's tell the children that if they want to pop prescription pills, it's okay; and if they want to cook meth let's give them resources to make sure they don't burn down the house and neighborhood. No, it's not any different. Sorry to inform you, but AIDS can kill a person as can drugs--one happens to work on the body more slowly--and the best way to not get AIDS is to have monogamous sex with a spouse who does not have AIDS. Same goes for not contracting other STDs (and no, the HPV vaccination isn't the answer either).
The Herald article has a snappy conclusion which says, "We already know where it started. We already know who the father is." The obvious implication is Bush. Sorry again. The dysfunctional father is none other than Alfred Kinsey, the "inventor" of modern sex education. This man asserted that everyone, even children have the right to sexuality. (See the Lutherans for Life document,
"The Failure of Sex Education," for more information, as I cannot quote it because I seem to have misplaced mine.) This includes all manners of sex, including bestiality and pedophilia. His teachings, along with the teachings of the founders of Planned Parenthood, have steered the curriculum of sex education in public schools for the past few decades. Couple this with the
second Humanist Manifesto which states: “SIXTH: In the area of sexuality, we believe that intolerant attitudes, often cultivated by orthodox religions and puritanical cultures, unduly repress sexual conduct. The right to birth control, abortion, and divorce should be recognized. While we do not approve of exploitative, denigrating forms of sexual expression, neither do we wish to prohibit, by law or social sanction, sexual behavior between consenting adults. The many varieties of sexual exploration should not in themselves be considered "evil." Without countenancing mindless permissiveness or unbridled promiscuity, a civilized society should be a tolerant one. Short of harming others or compelling them to do likewise, individuals should be permitted to express their sexual proclivities and pursue their lifestyles as they desire. We wish to cultivate the development of a responsible attitude toward sexuality, in which humans are not exploited as sexual objects, and in which intimacy, sensitivity, respect, and honesty in interpersonal relations are encouraged. Moral education for children and adults is an important way of developing awareness and sexual maturity." Voila! You have a sure-fire argument for asserting that sexual freedom is a right for all. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble: A mature person knows what is safe and what is dangerous. A mature person makes wise choices. A mature person knows that with freedom comes rules. A 12 year old cannot legally get a driver's license. A 17 year old cannot legally vote. A 19 year old cannot legally drink alcohol. Why? They have to learn to make mature decisions before they can have the privilege. Same with sexuality. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
We need to teach our children that freedom comes with responsibility. I cannot live on my own if I am not responsible enough to make a house or rent payment.
The next time, Miami Herald, you point your finger, remember what your mommy told you: Three are pointing back at you. What have YOU done to prevent STDs and babies born to single, young, immature mothers? I don't think that advertising condoms was it.