Friday, October 12, 2007

I am now into the 20th century

How intimidating to be here! I, who love being read, is un-nerved about being this exposed to the world. Especially since I share the view of author Dave Barry that I have not much important to say. I'm feeling drawn to express myself, not that you maybe care in the slightest. I guess this is my way to indicate myself as techo-savvy but also to air my comments in a public forum.

Maybe that 's where the terror comes from! Intimidating comments--because as much as I value my own opinion, I worry about what others think of me. It's like standing in public in a bathing suit. I hope I look good, but I know there is someone out there saying, "Gosh girl, try lipo!"

To heck with it. I guess I'll be me, and you can love me or not. I can live with that, but deep down, I hope you may agree with me or at least have something to ponder.

I have frequently thought to myself, "If I had a blog, I'd write about this!"
One of these things is stupid people. You know the type: they are educated, possibly even well-read, but dang it if they aren't just lacking in common sense. It makes me say with C.S. Lewis, "Logic! Why don't these schools teach them logic?" They say and do incredibly ignorant things.
Like a former student; on the first day she was in my class she said to me, "My mom broke up with my boyfriend because he was sleeping with my sister." Okay, Too Much Information. I cannot fully blame her for her her stupidity, clearly it was genetic. Oh! Harsh! You might say, but children learn what they live. What hope is there for a child if his/her mother and/or father can't figure out what will bring stability to their own life, let alone their child's life?

I see the most stupid people in parents. I cannot truthfully say that my parents were the most perfect parents in the world. They're human. They have their own faults (It's not for me to judge, and it's not for you to know their faults.), but I think that they did a pretty good job getting me to this point. I'm not so sure I can say that for some, even the most well-intentioned parents.

Hello! Your child is not perfect. You may pretend that they are, but as much of a nice person you are, your kid is human, as are you. You may or may not believe in original sin, yes, I'll say sin, but try walking into a day care. I know there are parents who do not teach their children to deal with others by bonking them on the head with a hard plastic toy, yet, sin leads them to that. Why don't people want to admit that as much as we want world peace and love and harmony, there are always going to be people out there who would rather cause problems than solve them?
I think that if just a few people would look past their own self and see what kind of children they want to put in this world, they will use a little logical discipline and instead of beating up the teachers, the police, the caretakers, the everybody elses and take responsibility for their child so that their child can learn to take responsibility for himself or herself. No excuses, no lies, just it was I, I did it--then maybe we can get a little bit of peace and some respite from stupid people. DTBL

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I'm a Cali Girl!

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The West

Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta.

The Midland
North Central
The Inland North
The South
The Northeast
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz