November 10, 1975: The Edmund Fitzgerald sank.
These two incidents are completely unrelated, and I remember neither of them; however, it is good to reflect on their historicity.
Another anniversary is the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. I do remember this event fairly well, as well as its historical impact on the world. I met a German once who had photographs of the Wall coming down, as he lived in Berlin in 1989. The pictures were exactly like the magazine pictures, postcards, and news footage we saw in America. I pondered what it would be like to be at such an historical event.
There are pieces of the Berlin Wall everywhere these days. In the years after 1989, pieces were packaged and sold on the streets of Berlin. I purchased one when I was over there. Larger sections of the wall were sent around the world. A major section can be seen at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California. Then there are these sections in Las Vegas. It is a tale of irony and sarcasm. The formidable wall which once meant death to those who attempted to cross it and symbolized the divide between communism and capitalism is now reduced

There's a lesson in there somewhere. . .