I've discovered that telling someone I'm pregnant is rather like when I was in college and told someone I was from California.
Telling someone you're from California always elicits a response such as these: "Oh, my (cousin/brother/niece/sister-in-law's best friend's boyfriend) lives in California in (random town one has never heard of);" or "I visited California on vacation--I hated/loved it;" or "I was stationed there when I was in the military." No matter what, there is ALWAYS a response; but tell someone you're from a random midwestern state and they'll say, "Oh."
Being pregnant elicits a gamut of responses ranging from "when I was pregnant" to some horror story that could curl hair. Nowadays I mostly get more free advice than I can ever process. I am constantly answering the questions, "How are you feeling?" and "Do you know what you're having?" Here are my answers--mark them down--"Fine," and "A baby." Okay, the last answer is a little glib, but we are waiting until birth to find out if it's a boy or girl. Old-fashioned, sure, but hey, if it was good enough for our parents. . .
Maybe I shouldn't be so testy; after all, all this attention cancels out the problem I seem to be having lately: invisibility--but that's another post for another day.